Ryerson’s Science Rendezvous 2021 offers virtual science activities and demonstrations to interact with from home. You will find activities for young children, teens and adults. Ryerson scientists and invited external guests have lined up an array of interactive activities, such as using medical imaging technologies to diagnose disease, podcasts from science innovators, French language games about ecology, and more!

Discover the Cultural and Scientific Services of the French Embassy in Canada, based in Toronto booth! Sharing knowledge while playing is possible! So come have some fun with us and learn about ecology, computer sciences, fakes news and chemistry. Register now to receive the link.

In addition to this, all Science Rendezvous hosts across Canada invite you to participate in the virtual Science Chase Challenge! Attendees can “travel across the country” to visit all of the Science Rendezvous events and complete mini challenges along the way. 

Join us on Saturday May 8th from 10 am to 4pm, on this event page to access all resources and celebrate science with us!

Science Rendezvous, now part of NSERC’sScience Odyssey, is Canada’s annual celebration of science. This free festival, targeted to all age groups, makes science accessible to thousands of people with a day of engaging, informative and interactive events. Science enthusiasts across the country take their passions to the people to encourage a public understanding of the great impact science and technology have on our lives and our changing world.

The French Embassy in Canada wants to thank La Fête de la Science – Ministère de l’Education supérieur, de l’innovation et la Recherche, Interstices and Chemistry Faculty of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay