Arts & Sciences Residency « Quantum Studio » in Paris

September 9 to 30, 2024

The 2024 call for applications is now closed!

1- About the arts & sciences Residency

1.1 – Introduction

The French Embassy in Canada, in partnership with the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (Sorbonne University), the CENTQUATRE-PARIS (Paris) and the program of international residences City of Paris at the Récollets, launches the French component of the arts-sciences residence “Quantum Studio”. This artist residency will take place from September 9 to 30, 2024 in Paris, France. It is aimed at a Canadian artist residing in British Columbia exploring the intersections between arts and sciences.

Open to all artistic practices, the residence seeks to build exchanges between arts and quantum sciences (quantum physics, quantum computing, physics of the infinitely small, materials science, fundamental physics).

The Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (Sorbonne University) and the CENTQUATRE-PARIS will offer the selected artist a space for reflection in which artists and researchers can meet, exchange on their practices, learn from each other and reflect together on a creative project at the crossroads of arts and sciences. Prior to the residency in Paris, several online meetings will be organized, in order to establish and maintain a first contact between the winning artist in Canada and the host team (institutions and scientists) from Paris.

1.2 – Course of the residency

From September 9 to 30, 2024 in Paris (accommodation at the Récollets convent).

1.3 – Objectives

  • Initiate or consolidate a creative project.
  • The laureate has an obligation to return research or artistic rendering (written project, sketches, work, etc.) during their stay.
  • Share their work during arts and sciences seminars organized in collaboration with the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne and the CENTQUATRE-PARIS.
  • Promote the discovery of the Parisian scientific and artistic ecosystem, as well as structuring collaborations. Special attention will be given to projects rooted in the local context.

1.4 – Advantages

This program guarantees, in particular, to the laureate:

  • 3 weeks of residence in Paris.
  • Accommodation at the Couvent des Récollets (City of Paris), a workspace at the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne, and a production office at CENTQUATRE-PARIS.
  • Full coverage (flights Vancouver-Paris, accommodation).
  • A residence fee of €1,635 (corresponding to per diem and participation in three half-day conferences/master classes during the residence).
  • Networking and relationships with the local ecosystem.
  • Participation, during the residence, in meetings with the teams of the 104factory, openings of residences at CENTQUATRE-PARIS, and events taking place at CENTQUATRE-PARIS.
  • Possibility of participation, post-residence, in events related to Némo-International Biennial of Digital Arts of the Île-de-France Region, produced by CENTQUATRE-PARIS.

2- Eligibility criteria

2.1 – Profile of the candidates

  • Artist carrying an artistic project in writing or development,
  • At least 18 years old,
  • Of Canadian nationality or holder of a permanent resident card in Canada
  • Residing in British Columbia,
  • Ideally justifying first experiences of creation mixing arts and sciences (applications from artists who have already worked or are working in connection with physical sciences will be appreciated).
  • Whose project may be accompanied or supported by a Canadian cultural institution with a view to a future exhibition or production work.

2.2 – Accepted projects

This program is open to artistic practices in all their diversity (writing, visual and plastic arts, digital arts, design, dance, performance, immersive realities, sound creation, etc.).

3- Registration procedure

3.1 – About the Call for Application

The application submission:

  • Must be done in French or English,
  • In a single PDF,
  • Must be sent by email to [email protected]
  • Until April 21, 2024 (23:59, Vancouver time).

3.2 – Required Information

To apply, we invite you to send the following documents:

  • Application Form 2024,
  • A copy of your identity card or passport,
  • A biography and a CV,
  • A portfolio of previous projects (with video links, if applicable),
  • A letter of motivation,
  • A precise synopsis of the project,
  • The projected work plan for the residence (forecast),
  • Visuals of the project (if applicable),
  • A letter of recommendation (optional),
  • A letter from a Canadian cultural institution accompanying the project for a future exhibition or production of the work (optional).

4- Selection and commitments

4.1 – Selection Committee

A professional selection committee will evaluate eligible projects. Interviews with shortlisted candidates will take place the week of April 29, between 8am and 11am PST.

4.2 – Notification and official announcement

The laureate will be officially announced in mid-May 2024.

Beforehand, each applicant will have been notified by email of the selection committee’s decision regarding their application.

4.3 – Obligations of the laureate

A contract summarizing all the commitments on both sides will be signed between the laureate and the program partners.

Before the residency, they commit:

  • To transmit to the partners the work plan during the residency.
  • To participate in some virtual meetings to prepare for the residency, from June to August inclusive.

During the residency, they commit:

  • To carry out the planned work plan;
  • To share their reflections on the project with the partners (weekly meetings)
  • To present the project at events organized by CENTQUATRE-PARIS, the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne, and the French Embassy.
  • To exchange with the partners on the future of the project and its presentation following the end of the residency.
  • The laureate has an obligation to return research or artistic rendering during their stay. The laureate is expected to keep the partners informed of any developments or changes to the project before, during, and after the residency itself.

After the residency, they commit:

  • To take time in Vancouver, in the month following the residency, to write a report of the residency accompanied by the teams of the Consulate on site.
  • To present the creative developments of the project to the partners in the fall of 2025, notably during the Nemo Biennial.

Regarding communication, they commits:

  • To include in the credits of the project and on all communication supports the logos that will be transmitted by the partners.
  • To authorize the partners of the residency to communicate or present the project for promotional purposes as part of their programming.

5- Timeline

  • March 18, 2024: Opening of the call for applications.
  • April 21, 2024 (11:59 PM, Paris time): Deadline for applications.
  • Week of April 29, 2024: Interviews with the preselected candidates.
  • Mid-May 2024: Notification of results.

6- Contact

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, at this address: [email protected]

7- Partners

The Service for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the French Embassy in Canada

The first French diplomatic delegation in Canada was received as early as 1928, and the embassy building in Ottawa was inaugurated in 1939. Since then, the Service for Cooperation and Cultural Action (SCAC) of the French Embassy has been working tirelessly to facilitate exchanges between the two countries, in areas as varied as cultural and creative industries (immersive realities, video games, books, etc. – which have become a major axis of cooperation), visual arts and live performance, artist residencies, academic mobility, and scientific cooperation (particularly in the themes defined as priorities by France and Canada: emerging technologies – quantum science and artificial intelligence -, oceanic and polar sciences, energy, and health), as well as educational cooperation.

This cross-residency program is carried, in particular, by the SCAC antenna based at the French Consulate General in Vancouver: it carries out its missions throughout the consular jurisdiction, namely British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.

“Quantum Studio” is part of a broader framework of residency programs initiated by the embassy in Western Canada, entitled “Les Résidences Ouest-Ouest”: in 2024, it will also offer creative residencies touching on immersive realities, exhibition curating, or musical creation.

website :


Located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, CENTQUATRE-PARIS is a space for artistic residencies, production, and dissemination of arts for audiences and artists from around the world. Conceived by its director José-Manuel Gonçalvès and his teams as a collaborative platform, it provides access to all current arts, from all disciplines, through a resolutely popular, contemporary, and demanding program. An atypical living space dotted with shops and restaurants, it also offers free spaces for artistic practices and early childhood. For companies that integrate its 104factory incubator, it constitutes a territory of experimentation, at the crossroads of art and innovation. With an urban planning approach, its cultural engineering team 104ingénierie delivers unique expertise for projects around the world.

The Némo Biennale , produce by CENTQUATRE-PARIS

Némo, the International Biennial of Digital Arts of the Île-de-France Region is a biennial of arts, sciences, and technologies that presents multiple multidisciplinary events in many places in Île-de-France for three months. The next edition of Némo will take place from September 2025 to January 2026.

Website :

Quantum Information Center Sorbonne – Sorbonne University

Sorbonne University is a major player in quantum information research, with, among other things, more than 15 ERCs on quantum technologies, participation in several projects of the European quantum flagship, the creation of 5 start-ups, about ten industrial collaborations, and strong involvement in the Hub Paris Centre, the Paris Center for Quantum Technologies – PCQT.

The Sorbonne University Alliance founded the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (QICS) in 2020 to intensify interactions between experimental, theoretical research and engineering in quantum information — quantum computing and communications —, while exploring the societal implications of this new way of processing information. The QICS also has a mission to increase teaching efforts in this field, to raise awareness among its partners, and to collaborate with industry within innovation ecosystems. The center relies on a unique set of knowledge and skills, ranging from fundamental computer science to quantum physics, through experimental demonstrations of quantum advantage and the social, economic, and philosophical sciences of digital technologies.

The objectives of the center are:

  • To promote the excellence of research from foundations to applications;
  • To develop a coherent teaching program adapted to the needs of the industrial and academic ecosystem, from undergraduate to doctoral studies and continuing education;
  • To raise public awareness of the issues of quantum information;
  • To open the quantum community towards other scientific fields and towards industry.


Contact: [email protected]

X: @QICSorbonne

Ville de Paris international residence program at Les Récollets

The City of Paris’ Department of Cultural Affairs welcomes foreign artists programmed in Paris at the Centre international d’échanges des Récollets, thanks to a program that covers all artistic fields and styles.

This program is designed to support the international programming of our structures and partners over a relatively long period of time. After a call for applications, a jury awards the workshops, paying particular attention to proposals linked to current international diplomatic events, for Burmese, Afghan, Ukrainian or Iranian artists, and to projects and applications that contribute to promoting equality between men and women. The duration of the residency can range from 1 to 6 months.

