In May, the France-Canada Research Fund (FCRF) selected the 21 winning Franco-Canadian teams for the 2024 edition.
The FCRF supports collaborative research projects between France and Canada
In 2024, 21 new projects conducted jointly by Canadian and French teams will receive seed funding of $15,000. This sum will enable Franco-Canadian pairs to work together on a joint project. The fund is intended to finance the mobility of researchers to strengthen collaboration between research institutions in the two countries.
University France |
Last name PI France |
First name PI France |
University Canada |
Last name PI Canada |
First name PI Canada |
Project |
Nantes Université | DELPLACE | Vianney | Dalhousie University | BAKER | Alexander | Protein Engineering for treatment of Osteoarthritis (PRESTO) |
Université Grenoble Alpes | JACOPIN | Gwénolé | McMaster University | LAPIERRE | Ray | Development of a nano-structured nuclear battery |
Institut de physique du Globe de Paris | BENEDETTI | Marc | Memorial University | CUSS | Chad | Scorched Earth: The impact of increased wildfire activity on soils and associated ecosystems |
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech | BROCHARD | Laurent | Queen’s University | BÉLAND | Laurent | Advancing Nuclear Waste Management : Integrated Computational Modeling of Clay |
Institut Pasteur | CHASSAING | Benoit | UBC | LUNKEN | Genelle | Impact of diet and geographical location on intestinal bacetria and fungi responses in inflammatory bowel disease |
Ecole Polytechnique | MICHELIN | Sébastien | UBC | ELFRING | Gwynn | Hydrodynamics of active matter in density gradients |
Aix-Marseille University | ROUX | Perrine | UBC | TI | Lianping | Examining the impact of drug checking services as harm reduction intervention in Canada and France: A research collaboration |
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne | REFFUVEILLE | Fany | Université de Montréal | ROULLIN | Gaelle | Encapsulation de molécules antimicrobiennes pour combattre les infections persistantes d’origine biofilm. (EnCapOs) |
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers | REY | Frédéric | Université de Montréal | DUFOUR-POIRIER | Mélanie | La représentation syndicale saisie au prisme des enjeux de santé vécus chez les représentants des travailleurs : analyses comparatives France/Québec (SyndiCARE) |
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien | BERGOUIGNAN | Audrey | Université de Sherbrooke | DIONNE | Isabelle J. | Double diplôme de doctorat Strasbourg-Sherbrooke : Effets d’entraînements d’exercices aérobie, avec ou sans gravité artificielle, sur la régulation de la prise alimentaire et de la balance énergétique pendant un analogue de microgravité de 60 jours chez l’homme sain. |
Université de Bordeaux | COUTUREAU | Etienne | Université Laval | BRETON-PROVENCHER | Vincent | Prefrontal control of adaptive behaviour by noradrenaline |
University of Montpellier | MAMERI | Hamza | University of Manitoba | BETA | Trust | Evaluating new lines of sorghums for mitigation of climate change in Europe and Canada |
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | MOUMJID CARRETIER |
Nora Julien |
University of Ottawa | MARCOUX | Isabelle | Promouvoir des parcours de fin de vie en santé grâce aux communautés compatissantes : l’influence de la participation sociale dans la sensibilisation de tous les citoyens |
Université Paul Sabatier -Toulouse III | CLERGEREAUX | Richard | University of Saskatchewan | BRADLEY | Michael | Misty plasma as a pathway to nano-structured materials |
Université Paris Cité | CHAUMETTE | Boris | University of Toronto | ANDREAZZA | Ana | The mitoGENE risk for psychiatric diseases: From French cohorts to Canadian mitochondrial expertise |
Université Toulouse-III | GUENANCIA | Henri | University of Toronto | COLLINS | Tristan | Exploring the moduli space Calabi-Yau manifolds |
Université Paris Cité | KRUPOVIC | Mart | University of Toronto | BABAIAN | Artem | Beyond HIV: Ultra-massive surveillane for retroviruses across all domains of life |
ENSAM | CLARAMUNT | Christophe | UQAM | TRUDELLE | Catherine | Beyond HIV: Ultra-massive surveillane for retroviruses across all domains of life |
Université de Bordeaux | KHEMTEMOURIAN | Lucie | UQAM | BOURGAULT | Steve | Élucidation des bases moléculaires des maladies amyloïdes et conception d’inhibiteurs d’agrégation à l’aide de systèmes biologiques complexes |
Université de Caen Normandie | LANGEARD | Antoine | UQAM | AUBERTIN-LEHEUDRE | Mylène | Acceptabilité et efficacité des programmes d’électrostimulation neuromusculaire à domicile chez les personnes âgées atteintes de sarcopénie |
Université de Toulouse | SIMONNEAU | Antoine | Western University | DROVER | Marcus | N2SOLVE: A Canadian/French Coordination Chemistry Partnership for Climate Change Solutions |
Winners of doctoral contracts from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
The positive impact of the FCRF on relations between universities and research centers in France and Canada is also supported by the awarding of three doctoral contracts per year. This year, contracts were awarded to doctoral schools for projects involving UBC, Western University and Université de Montréal. The students involved will benefit from French and Canadian co-supervision.
University France |
Last name PI France |
First name PI France |
University Canada |
Last name PI Canada |
First name PI Canada |
Project |
Ecole Polytechnique | MICHELIN | Sébastien | UBC | ELFRING | Gwynn | Hydrodynamics of active matter in density gradients |
Université de Toulouse | SIMONNEAU | Antoine | Western University | DROVER | Marcus | N2SOLVE: A Canadian/French Coordination Chemistry Partnership for Climate Change Solutions |
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne | REFFUVEILLE | Fany | Université de Montréal | ROULLIN | Gaelle | Encapsulation de molécules antimicrobiennes pour combattre les infections persistantes d’origine biofilm. (EnCapOs) |