Romain Lalire, the first winner of the Western XR @ Vancouver residency program, initiated by the French Embassy in Canada and NewImages Festival (Paris), in partnership with the Center for Digital Media (Vancouver) and the Alliance française de Vancouver, completed his one-month residency on October 15, 2022.
A visual artist who masters photography, video, and 3D, Romain Lalire was able to start the creation of his new project “Fragments” during this month of residency. He went to national parks in British Columbia to capture fragments of nature: rocks, trees, sounds… which he then assembled in a virtual space. His goal is to make his audience want to return to the real world through technology. By collecting fragments of different forests and putting them together in a virtual reality space, he intends to collect the links that unite the particles of the world.
Discover the first elements of his project “Fragments”:
Romain Lalire also had the opportunity to exhibit his work “Le geste magique” during the V-Unframed event held at the Alliance Française de Vancouver from October 1st to 3rd. The public had the opportunity to discover an exhibition of photographs in augmented reality about the work of the gesture and the repetition of this one to manage to make the visible invisible.

To learn more about Romain Lalire’s background and his experience in Vancouver, listen to his interview on Radio Canada.
We wish him full success in the continuation of his project !
Follow the evolution of his work on his website :
© Photo and video credits: Romain Lalire