

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now open!

  1. Create an account on ADELE platform by clicking on the following link (available in French or English): Create my account on ADELE
  2. Ask your university (French department or international relations department) to create an “Institution” account, only if your university is not already listed in the drop-down menu, and ask your evaluating professor to log in via the “Professor” interface. You can send them guided tutorials for creating an institution and evaluating candidates as a professor.
  3. Pay the application fee via PayPal ($55 CAD) according to the following instructions:
    • Send $55 via Paypal to admin[at] — write “TAPIF application fee” in the description, as well as your ADELE applicant number)
    • Add the payment receipt to your application file, in the last section “5. My strong points”, under “Eléments spécifiques” (“Specific details”)
  4. Submit your application.

In order to create your account on ADELE platform, you can check this detailed application tutorial (available in French).

The application submission deadline is February 21, 2025.

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