OceanTech to better understand the oceans and better protect them
New technologies have emerged to enhance our understanding of the marine environments: imaging, autonomous vehicles, environmental DNA, underwater acoustics, quantum sensors, artificial intelligence… These innovations contribute to improving the collection and processing of data from the ocean. The development and adoption of these technologies promote sustainable exploitation of marine resources, thereby supporting a thriving blue economy, promoting marine scientific research, and strengthening disaster response capacity. The deployment of ocean research and technologies promotes the conservation of marine ecosystems, helps mitigate the impact of climate change, and raises awareness among the public about the importance of preserving our oceans for future generations.
On April 24, 2023, the first meeting of the France-Canada Joint Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation identified Ocean research as one of the priority areas for bilateral cooperation. A workshop held in Halifax in October 2023 and co-organized by the French Embassy in Canada, Dalhousie University, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and their partners, provided an ideal opportunity to support the research-innovation continuum. On this occasion, a call for projects for OceanTech by In2novation, the Franco-Canadian innovation platform, was conceived.
In2novation, established in 2020, is a program to support cross-innovation between France and Canada funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESR) and the Canadian Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISDE). Its mission is to create synergies between French and Canadian innovation ecosystems in favor of the protection and enhancement of global public goods.
Through this call, In2novation will select and fund four collaborative projects for a period of 2 years, each with a budget of 25,000 CAD:
- 2 collaboration projects between a Canadian company (startup or SME) and a research team based in France;
- 2 collaboration projects between a French company (startup or SME) and a research team based in Canada.
The projects should focus on innovative research and development work in the field of Ocean Tech (Technology Readiness Level TRL 2-7).
The following expenses are eligible :
- Funding a research internship for master’s students within the company and/or laboratory
- Entrepreneur residency in a partner university
- Proof of concept development
- Research financing*
- Mobility financing* (presentation at a conference or exhibition)
*Specific amounts will be detailed during an information webinar on March 14, 2024.
Note that the letter of intent must be submitted by the company; the application form must be submitted by the two partners; the grant will be awarded to the academic partner who will administer the grant.
Selection Procedure
- An information webinar for companies will be held on March 14, 2024*.
- Letter of intent: interested companies have until April 15, 2024* to express their research issues. This document must include: a company presentation section and a non-confidential summary of the project’s needs.
- Matching : In2novation, supported by its partners in France and Canada, will find a research team across the Atlantic to best meet the needs of the selected companies.
- Submission of application: identified partnerships have until June 15, 2024, to submit the application form detailing their mode of collaboration and the use of In2novation funds (maximum 2 pages). The form must be submitted by email at [email protected]
- Project selection: the jury, composed of independent experts from France and Canada, will give particular importance to scientific and technological quality, benefits for partners, innovation, socio-economic impact, and technical and economic feasibility of the project. The selected projects will be announced on July 15, 2024.
- Contractualization: the grant will be transferred to the research team after signing a funding agreement between the three partners (In2novation, the university, and the company). Funds must be used before March 31, 2026.
- Evaluation: In2novation will organize a restitution event.
*Provisional schedule.
Applications must be submitted to [email protected]