Hiring a French language assistant in Canada

You are the representative of a Canadian institution in the field of education.
You want to host a French teaching assistant and add a unique cultural dimension to your institution’s French education program!
The general objective of the French language assistant program is to make it possible for Canadian institutions of learning to offer their students an open view of the French-speaking world and insight into the culture of the country of Molière, Hugo, and Zola.
Thanks to this language assistant program, Canadian schools and universities have the opportunity to invite a French student into their classroom. These students are generally in the later stages of their courses of study and pursuing a career in education or languages.
This program also offers mobility opportunities for French students who are interested in Canada. It gives them a chance to continue their professional development, add undeniable added value to their post-secondary studies and their future career as an educator.
Assistants: profile and responsibilities
Assistants are French citizens between the ages of 20 and 35, who hold at least undergraduate (3-year) diplomas in the following fields: French as a Second Language, English and English Literature, Education, and Modern Languages.
The role of an assistant is to improve students’ communication skills (especially oral communication) and to familiarize them with French culture. Over the course of the 12–25 hours worked each week, assistants support French teachers, whether in a full-class setting or working with small, separate groups.
As young people and students, assistants are in a position to add a dimension of fun to learning, to moderate sociocultural debates on topics of interest to children and teenagers, and to encourage students to express themselves verbally.
Language assistants are assigned to schools or universities for a period of 7–12 months. They support the French teacher(s) by carrying out one or more of the following duties:
- oral language practice with students alongside the teacher;
- conversation courses with students;
- presentation of French culture;
- participation in various educational activities organized by the institution;
- personalized assistance for students;
- contributions to the organization of exchange projects;
- organization of language clubs;
- educational support;
- language training programs;
- potential preparation for French language certifications and diplomas (DELF/DALF – TCF).
Other roles within the institution may be explored, depending on local needs.
Assistants may also be asked to help with cultural activities within the institution or within a broader setting.
Recruitment and selection process
Assistants are recruited by France Education International (FEI), an agency of the Ministry of National Education.
During the selection process, applicants can choose up to three provinces. FEI selects the candidate that best suits your criteria.
Host institutions receive applications in early spring. Schools are advised to conduct phone or online interviews directly with candidates in order to discuss their expectations. Schools and universities coordinate with the Embassy of France in Canada to select candidates.
Logistics and costs
Assistants are employed directly by host institutions or school districts, with whom they sign a work contract, and they are paid minimum $25 per hour. These contracts typically begin in late August and end in April or May of the following year.
Assistants are responsible for their own round-trip airfare and for finding their own accommodation, but we appreciate any help host institutions are able to offer.
French assistants will apply for a work permit and carry out a minimum of 12 hours each week under the supervision of a designated teaching mentor. The maximum number of hours per week in the framework of this program is 15 hours in post-secondary institutions and 25 hours in K-12 education.
Host institutions are encouraged to provide the following (optional):
- Homestay accommodations with a host family (some schools ask for two host families per assistant in order to divide the responsibility over the two semesters)
- A health insurance plan (cost in accordance with regulations in effect in the province or territory)
Becoming a host institution
If your institution wishes to host a French assistant or for more information, please contact us directly.