French curriculum schools in Canada: AEFE schools
You wish to enroll your child or children at a French curriculum school in Canada.
The eight French-program schools of the Agence pour l’enseignementfrançais à l’étranger (AEFE) educate more than 7,000 students in Canada each year. These schools offer a world-class education that is open to the host country and based on the high standards of French education.
These schools accommodate French expatriate students, students from the host country, and students from other countries. They draw on this diversity with pedagogical innovation and an open mind by emphasizing the learning of languages.
These schools are part of a massive global network (137 countries, 495 establishments, 342,000 students) that allow students to pursue an uninterrupted course of study from kindergarten to graduation (from age 2 to 18), from one establishment to another and from one country to another.
The eight French curriculum schools in Canada
Ottawa Lycée Claudel
Québec Collège Stanislas
Montréal Collège Stanislas
Montréal Collège international Marie de France
Toronto Lycée Français de Toronto
Toronto Toronto French School
Calgary Lycée Louis Pasteur
Vancouver École française internationale Cousteau