Online French media platforms

You are looking for teaching resources in order to learn French or to improve your proficiency in French.
French media outlets offer learners and teachers digital teaching platforms that will enable them to accomplish their objectives in a real-life setting.
- Learn French with TV5 Monde;
- RFI Savoirs: keys to understanding the world in French;
- FranceTV Education: cultivating a desire to learn;
- Institut national de l’audiovisuel: Jalons educationalplatform.
Learn French with TV5 Monde
For people learning French, TV5MONDE is:
- An original, motivating approach to learning;
- A wealth of audiovisual resources taken from TV5MONDE programming and multimedia content: current, authentic, real-life documents;
- Hundreds of worksheets developed with teams of experts;
- New activities for all levels of learning every day;
- All-inclusive dossiers that can be downloaded with a single click;
- An invaluable complement to textbooks for students to work with visual documents on varied subjects.
RFI Savoirs: keys to understanding the world in French
The “Apprendre et enseigner le français” [Learn and Teach French] section makes it possible for anyone to improve their proficiency in French or to integrate radio content into their teaching. Developed for specific purposes, the programs and dossiers are starting points for educational activities, both for learners and for educators.
For international users who are interested in starting to study French, the site offers bilingual programming so that learners can advance at their own pace with an interactive, progressive course of study that supplements the programming.
For learners of all levels and for teachers, the clips, which are organized by subject, are accompanied by educational tools designed to help learners improve their oral comprehension, expand their vocabulary in French, and work on their oral and written expression in a fun and dynamic way.
FranceTV Education: cultivating a desire to learn
This digital program from France Télévisions has taken on the mission of offering people involved in education—students, teachers, parents—the best audiovisual content in order to promote the civic education of children and their access to culture. 3000 videos, including more than 350 related to scientific culture, are available to all.
This content (videos, images, texts, animations, etc.), which is updated every day, is available for free usage in a home or school setting.
FranceTV Education is constantly updated with new, interactive content from programming broadcasted by France Télévisions or developed by public and private partners.
Institut national de l’audiovisuel – Jalons educational platform
The Institut national de l’audiovisuel offers learners and teachers access to its educational website Jalons, which includes more than 1,750 downloadable audiovisualdocuments—taken from the news, television, and radio—from 1914 to the present day.
The audiovisual documents have been selectedto coincide with major curriculum topics that may be of interest to teachers at both the primary and secondary levels: visual arts, music, physical education, media and information studies, ethic and civic studies, French, geography, history, art history, literature, economic and social science, and science and technology.
Users can access content sorted by level and by subject. The site incorporates a search engine and four navigation options:
- Tile, a chronological look at videos;
- Map, videos organized by location;
- List, which offers a sortable and filterable list of videos;
- Subject, which presents a pie chart of videos by subject. It is also possible to select subject-specific courses of study and to create dossiers to share with your students.