You are a PhD/MS, a Researcher from Academia, Student in biotherapy field and wish to build your Biotech ?
The Scientific Service of the French Embassy in Canada, the University of Tours, MabDesign and Mitacs are co-organizing the webinar “From bench to biotech: France-Canada perspectives and success stories” on June 2 and 3, 2021.
The first day of this webinar will be an opportunity for scientists wishing to create their start-up to meet with French and Canadian entrepreneurs who will share their success stories as well as the challenges and opportunities they have faced.
The second day will be dedicated to the methodology for technology transfer and company creation through presentations from incubation and acceleration structures in France and Canada. In a second time, funding organizations such as BpiFrance, NRC-IRAP and Mitacs will detail their financial support programs.
Day 1 – Wednesday June 2nd, 2021

Day 2 – Thursday June 3rd, 2021

FREE but MANDATORY registration at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Zlrb1Kp0QBO72eEZZ9_rkA
For more information, contact [email protected]