Language and education2023-05-19T09:04:54-04:00

Language and education

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Black History Month

Black History Month offers the perfect opportunity to celebrate the considerable contributions from different black diasporas to world culture. With this in mind, the Théâtre français de Toronto and the

You are a student

You are a student or a parent of a student in Canada.

You wish to learn French or improve your level of proficiency in French in Canada or in France; enroll your children in a French program in Canada or another long-distance French program; experience French culture; or earn proof of your level of proficiency in France.

You are a teacher

You are a teacher in Canada.

You want to find teaching French-language resources for your classroom, look for professional development programs, get your students involved in cultural and scientific projects involving France and the Francophonie, or arrange for an exchange with a teacher in France.

You are an institution for education

You are the representative of a Canadian institution in the field of education.

You would like to develop an educational partnership with a French institution; offer training opportunities to your teachers, your students, and their parents; hire French language assistants; become a Diplômes d’Etude en Langue Française examination centre; or involve your institution or your students in cultural and scientific projects involving France and the Francophonie.

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