Mourou-Strickland Program
The 2025 call for application is now closed!
Deadline: January 26th, 2025 at 23h59 (PST)
The Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program is an initiative designed by the French Embassy in Canada. Its aim is to foster research collaboration between France and Canada and encourage the discovery of specific research and innovation ecosystems in both countries.
The program is open to:
- Researchers from Canada who are interested in traveling to France to explore the French ecosystem.
- Researchers from France who are interested in traveling to Canada to explore the Canadian ecosystem.
The Mourou-Strickland Mobility Program provides seed grant to encourage new cross-border bilateral cooperation and knowledge exchange.
Eligibility requirements
Candidates must:
- Have a permanent or tenure-track position.
- Be affiliated with a Canadian university (outside of Quebec) or a French university or institution.
The Embassy of France in Canada encourages applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.
The scholarship
The grant includes :
- 1 round-trip economy-class flight Canada- France or France-Canada
- A contribution towards subsistence costs (5 daily allowances)
- Deadline for applications: January 26th, 2025 at 23h59 (PST)
- Announcement of results: March 2025
- Period of the stay: anytime in 2025.
Please read the 2025 Guidelines carefully before sending your application.
Applications must be submitted by sending all the documents listed below to the Embassy of France in Canada electronically in the form of a single PDF document to the address: [email protected]
- An Application-Form-Mourou-Strickland-2025
- A short curriculum vitae including your 5 most significant publications (700 words)
- Invitation letter from the host institution
- Copy of your passport (If you do not have a Canadian citizenship, you may need a visa to go to France. Visit France Visas. If you do not have a French citizenship, you may need a visa to go to Canada. Visit Canada Visas).
When submitting your application, please state explicitly in the subject line of the e-mail: First name LAST NAME – Application Mourou-Strickland 2025
Your application will be processed once you have received an e-mail confirming receipt.
If you have any questions about this programme, please contact: [email protected]
This program is named in honor of the Nobel laureates Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland, who have made significant contributions to the field of laser physics.